adventures of beck

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Your frito-smelling feet, soft-floppy ears, nudging-persistant nose, goldeny-yellowy fur, bread-begging ways, sharp-startling bark, sniffing-wandering gait, big-fence jumping, many-bone hiding, rain-outside disdaining, brown-rabbit hunting, and all-heart stealing self will be sorely missed on this earth.
Here's to heaven filled with rabbits, sun-drenched fields, bread, people to brush you, puddles to drink out of, sausage pizzas, and a heart and lungs that won't let you down.
Save me a spot in the sun, and we won't need a leash.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent photo and sentiment.
Very, very nice. We all needed it.

12:33 AM CDT

Blogger Barb Ryan said...


9:04 AM CDT


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