MSV Part 3: The Death March

Luckily, the people we stayed with were COMPLETE MORONS. They seemed like normal people, until they started talking. They cooked too many rations of their food and gave some to us and the dog (which was nice.) But when bedtime came, they wondered aloud: "can we just put our bear canister under the lean-to?" Um, how about NO! Dooley and I exchanged terrified, exhausted looks. She began telling tales of bears coming to camps that had garbage dumped in the lean-tos, etc etc. They finally threw it about 20 ft in front of the lean-to, no matter how many times we tried to tell them that this was probably not a good idea. We welcomed Oscar between our sleeping bags, saying it was because of the rain. Yeah right. It was because of the bears. We awoke once to pee outside together, when another person was up peeing as well. We peed directly behind the lean to, congratulating Oscar as always for his security measures. Besides waking about a million times as my back creaked and moaned, we slept alright.
Dooley awoke in the morning to leaping flames in the lean-to. The moron patrol had set their stove on fire IN THE LEAN-TO. They accomplished this by leaking fuel out of it and breaking the laws of the forest preserve (no stoves in the lean-to) and the stove instructions (do not use indoors; light match BEFORE turning on gas.) It was still misting outside, and Dooley and I just stayed in our sleeping bags until the other people had finally left, around 9 am. Sure it was a late start, but we didn't really want to get ourselves killed by the morons. Besides, it took a while to figure out how to sit up when my back wouldn't bend forward.

So Beck, are you glad you are safe at home and back at work where there are no bears?
9:43 PM CDT
Or are you re allinging your efforts towards the goal of more free time to get back to the outback?
ma kettle
3:29 PM CDT
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